Graham Audio LS3/5 and LS3/5A with SUB3 – 27 July 2020
“Between the LS3/5’s and the LS3/5A’s, I think some people will perceive the newly made 5’s as more natural or organic while other people will prefer the more widely known 5A’s relatively more neutral and linear midrange delivery. Personally, I’m still on the fence and switching from one pair to the other remains a matter of adjusting. The technical perfectionist in me prefers the LS3/5A’s more neutral midrange while the music lover in me is more passionate about the LS3/5’s fuller and richer midrange. I say: just listen for yourself!
The case for the SUB3 subwoofers is not at all ambiguous. They simply provide what one hopes from subwoofers but rarely gets: a meaningful extension of the speakers’ bass range in a seamless and wholly synergistic manner”. Christian Punter.
Graham Audio Chartwell LS6 – Passive Monitors -November 2017
“The answer I came up with was, yes, of course the LS6 has relevance, because fundamentally it is a skilfully engineered and classy-sounding monitor. “ Phil Ward.
Graham LS5/9 Loudspeaker – A Superior Small Speaker – 28th February 2017
“… the Graham Audio LS5/9 is surely an item of extraordinary interest. Few other speakers of its size offer anything like a comparable musical truth. Comes to that, rather few of any size do..” Robert E. Greene.
The Chartwell Audio LS3/5 – I Prefer the Sequel
“Graham Audio, makers of the exceptional LS5/9s we reviewed last year and subsequently purchased as reference speakers enlisted the help of designer extraordinaire Derek Huges, along with some help from Seas and Volt to create a masterpiece that observes the original specification. Cutting to the chase, they have succeeded brilliantly.” Jeff Dorgay
Chartwell LS3/5 Loudspeakers by Graham Audio – 19th July 2016
“What Graham Audio have done is join two of Hifi’s iconic names in one great product, recreating the LS3/5 and bringing back that star name Chartwell.” Janine Elliot
Graham Audio: the return of BBC, second part, BBC LS5/8 – July 2016
“These Grahams LS5/8 are classy speakers.
In my opinion we are in a perfect balance and we have a great value for money. Something increasingly rare in the hi-fi market in recent years.
I cannot find any downside for these speakers even if I try hard to. Among other things, they play well also with solid state and valves amplifier, also of mid-low power.
These are the reviews that one enjoys to write!” Angelo Jasparro
Graham Audio: the return of BBC, first part, BBC LS5/9 – July 2016
“I spoke about the piano because it is a very complex – but also familiar – instrument and it’s really hard to reproduce it correctly. Listening to some piano and orchestra concerts – Mozart, the Lodron with Solti, Baremboim and Shiff for example – that pure timbre is enchanting and you almost see the instruments in the distance.
The result is very natural with the lute music by Bach played by Hopkinson Smith on Astrée vinyl. The noise of the quick fingers on the keyboard are fascinating and well integrated and the sound results really natural.
… I am really happy that the LS 5/9 are back on the world market.” Domenico Pizzamiglio
Graham Audio Chartwell LS5/5 – Nearfield Monitors – June 2016
“And what about the comparison of the new LS3/5 and the old LS3/5A? Does the new one have what it takes? Undoubtedly, yes.” Phil Ward, Sound On Sound
Graham Audio LS3/5 Standmount Loudspeaker – 27th May 2016
“The inherently flatter frequency response might imply that, had things been different at the time, the BBC would have continued to use LS3/5s and the LS3/5a might not have happened at all. I think the collectors would have still been very happy, and they will lap this up!” Steve Dickinson, Hi-Fi+
Graham LS5/9 Loudspeakers – No. 76 March 2016
‘The Grahams offer fantastic sound and stellar soundstaging. The longstanding BBC-inspired heritage of an opulent midrange has certainly continued through the new LS5/9.” Rob Johnson
Graham Audio LS5/8 BBC-Licensed Monitor – 28th October 2015
News article – Greg Borrowman, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine.
AVHub – Australian Hi-Fi Magazine
Graham Audio LS5/8 Loudspeaker – October 2015
“This is a loudspeaker that might have forever been hidden away from public view and the last of the line of BBC speakers could have just been a footnote in audio’s history. Graham Audio deserves great credit for bringing these classics to light.” Nicholas Ripley, Hi-Fi+
Graham Audio LS5/9 Speaker Review – 28th September 2015
“The Graham LS5/9 is a remarkable reproduction, which exceed in some aspect in term of the performance to the older LS5/9. … and the Graham Audio LS5/9 is one sonic beauty that deserves our utmost praise and attention.” Kriz Tan
Chartwell LS3/5 Monitor – 12th October 2015
News article – Greg Borrowman, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine.
AVHub – Australian Hi-Fi Magazine
Graham Audio LS5/9 Monitors Review – 2nd December 2014
“Its resolution of the natural timbre of musical instruments is first rate and rhythmic timing is spot-on. The deep and wide soundstage enables sounds to be placed precisely within a mix and pinpoints subtleties lesser monitoring systems gloss over. A classic design with an impeccable pedigree. 9/10.” John Pickford.
MusicTech net – MusicTech Magazine
Graham Audio LS5/9 – 21st October 2014
“This is not a loudspeaker for the masses because it is unflattering of bad recordings, their limitations are almost emphasised. It is made in the traditional way that loudspeakers were once designed, revealing how little has actually changed over the last 30 years and showing what kind of standards the BBC achieved in those days.” René van Es.
Graham Audio LS5/9 Loudspeakers – 10th October 2014
“I was no longer listening to speakers. I was listening to the musicians, or the singers, or the spoken voice, just as the BBC sound engineers, myself included, would have needed to hear. Forget all those fancy boxes or new technologies. It was all right, back in 1983, and it’s still all right now.” Janine Elliot.
A New Classic – Graham Audio BBC LS5/9 Review – September 2014
“Graham Audio has done a fine job with its BBC-licensed LS5/9. It’s overall sound is well-balanced, smooth and even. There’s no stinging treble to make your ears ring nor a thumping bass that overwhelms everything else. Yes, some loudspeakers of a more modern vintage may sound superficially more exciting at first listen – but the LS5/9s are more likely to reward in the long-term as they let the music flow without firing it at you full bore.” HiFi World.